Sunday, July 8, 2012

Company's come to call

We've had nine visitors and one pool party in the 3-4 weeks since we've moved back home.

Guests let you stop fretting about where to place this and that, and just let you enjoy what you've got. So we've been doing exactly that. Porch sitting. Puzzle puzzling. Swimming. Visiting with one another and with friends and family. A game of Battleship here. A couple of movie nights there. Sweet, sweet summer time.

And oh, maybe here and there wondering about what to put up on the wall in the dining room. Perhaps possibly ordering a couple of chairs for the master sitting room. Most definitely still avoiding the window treatment purchase.

We're enjoying what we have and not worrying about what's still left to do. It's summer after all, and it's half way over. School's out. The sunny days (and stormy evenings) beckon. Everything else can wait.