Monday, January 27, 2014

The renovation autopsy: would we have done anything differently?

I took a long hiatus from blogging, largely because the renovation was over. We moved on to making our furnishings fit, rearranging rooms, and generally trying not to spend any more money. 

This summer marks the second anniversary with our new second floor. People sometimes ask if there's anything that we'd do differently if we had the chance. 

Without a doubt, we would still add the second story, and the front porch. The overall goals of the project were well-met, and we have no regrets about any of it. While there's nothing major we'd do differently, there are a handful of minor things we might change. 

Like what, you ask? Read on.
  • We would not have a flared bottom step. It's pretty, but when we first moved into the house, every one of us slammed our foot into it. Some of us, more than once. It's not an on-going problem, thankfully. Blinding pain tends to be a great teacher. 
  • Add one more overhead light in the stairwell, and/or lights along the stairs. If money were not an object, I definitely would go with stair lights.
  • Relocate one of the bedroom doors. We considered its location based solely on where to enter the room. We did not consider the perspective of the person laying in bed, looking out the door. Furniture rearranging satisfied the occupant.
  • Go with a warmer neutral gray in the main living areas. The color we have now (Manhattan Mist) has a slight purple undertone that is undetectable in some lights/rooms, but noticeable in others. That said, people are shocked to learn it's the same color throughout the first floor because of the way it looks in different lights. 
  • We'd face the tub the other way (what's ironic is that in this picture, it's the way we wish we'd installed it). There are shelves, and the mister has frequently bemoaned the fact that he didn't think about putting a TV there. 
  • Move one light switch. We had to open up a wall, which meant relocating the light switch. We thought we'd move toward one wall to do that. Turns out, we move to the other wall. Like, all the time. Still. 
  • Budget for landscaping and window coverings. We've done the latter - and by the way, I'd order a darker color for the girls because the pink is essentially white - but have yet to do the former. The house isn't an eyesore, but it feels as if there's an unfinished hem showing, you know? 
That's pretty much it. Minor stuff, really. Thank goodness!

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