Besides the tire tracks in the yard. Okay, the first change is that we now have windows! windows! windows! I mean, these windows rock. And they're so shiny.
The second change is that work has begun on our front porch. The old front porch railing has been removed, the yard has been dug up and (granted, you can't see it from this angle) concrete has been initially poured. They're continuing that tomorrow, hoping to finish up the block work and face it with brick, which will ultimately be painted the color of the house.
We have to make a decision on the porch floor soon. Like, this week. There are only so many hours in the day to Google 'beautiful porches', 'best porch flooring', 'show me the freakin' porch floor and quit with all the street views already'. We know we want a light-colored porch for reasons that will reveal themselves in time, and we know we want it low-to-no maintenance. I thought about slate, but apparently it crumbles ever so minutely and you drag it in on your shoes, thus making your house full of tiny little slate droppings over time. option please.
The process from here on out will go something like this (in the next 48 hours): I have to research all the horror stories about every flooring type, fall in love with something out of our price range, scour Pinterest, and porch-stalk some homes in our neighborhood. Really, it's fine. I'm sure we'll choose something great.
More pics in the gallery for your viewing pleasure!
Oh my goodness! So much progress. It looks amazing!!!