Friday, January 27, 2012

We have stairs, and more

Over the past few days, our house has received her shingles, and workers have been swaddling her in the construction-equivalent of Saran Wrap. While Chris has braved the ladder in the never-ending rain to check progress on the second floor, the girls and I have been waiting on the stairs. Yesterday afternoon, our wait was over:

So up we went. We were able to see where the rooms would be, and point out what was going where. We could also see what would be our new attic space (amazing storage space). Our new staircase going up is so roomy that our (existing) staircase going downstairs feels like a drive-through banking chute. Hmmm.

Because I don't want us to be the reason work on the house is delayed, we stay pretty busy researching and selecting all the remaining purchases. Stay tuned for posts on:
  • Tile: earlier this week we visited a tile showroom, and quite the unexpected happened.
  • Something we all use every single day: it has become my new online hunting prey. You may even be asked for your opinion.
  • Carpet: more commonly known around here as someone's obsession (hint: not mine).
  • Why I love gray: and how it will be a part of every single room in this house if I get my way.
And if there's anything in particular you want to hear about, just let me know in the comments. 

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