Monday, May 14, 2012

Drawing the line at 'apple bliss' carpet

The youngest has requested red carpet. Cherry, rosebud, apple bliss: she is drawn to these fiery red, red, red choices. Can you imagine? Red wall-to-wall carpet. *shudder*

Which is kind of ironic, because the largest area rug we have is an 8' x 10' red Persian-style rug, and red is my favorite color. But still; all I will think is that it would look like a bloodbath in her room. So, we've dashed her hopes and she is not pleased. While she is 'kind of into blue', she has enough blue in her room she says, and doesn't want blue carpeting. She is mulling over a lilac color, but it doesn't look promising.

Meanwhile, the mister has taken a shine to this one:

Charcoal gray wall-to-wall carperting? Nestled up against Pure White baseboards, with a thundercloud-like Cathedral Gray on the wall? *swoon* A man after my own heart...

That said, we don't know that this is the carpeting we'll choose. We're having a hard time matching up the carpeting we like the feel and look of with the carpeting that has colors we like. And in our budget (newsflash: budgets are annoying). So, the search continues. As long as it's soft and not beige (or red), I'll be happy.

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