Friday, March 16, 2012

The story behind blue porch ceilings

Rumor has it people paint their porch ceiling blue because it:
- reminds them of the sky
- keeps bugs away
- wards off evil spirts
- all of the above

Yep, all of the above. The folklore about warding off evil spirits (often referred to in the South as haints) is so well-known, the blue actually has a name: haint blue. Unlike Tiffany blue, haint blue isn't a single color; rather, it appears to be in reference to several shades of blue. The painters finished our blue porch ceiling today. Take a look:

Our version of haint blue is a Behr color: blue cascade. You can't see the blue until you're just a few feet away from the porch. A delightful little surprise for our visitors! Another angle for your viewing pleasure:

For more stories about blue ceilings, go here and here. Check out my blue ceilings Pinterest board for lots of different examples!

1 comment:

  1. The blue ceiling will look so great with the big fans. LOL
