Sunday, March 4, 2012

Mixing metals

I am in love with this door knob.

At $169 per piece (I know!), it's spectacularly over budget. Maybe that wouldn't be so terrible if we only needed one or two, but we need ten. Perhaps I could just get these for the bedroom doors, though, and something much cheaper else for the closets and bathrooms?

Forgetting cost for a minute, though, what I'm pondering is mixing metals.

We have chrome in all the bathrooms. Running that finish all through the door hardware - much less the light fixtures - seems a bit much (and awfully...shiny). I like brushed nickel, and oil-rubbed bronze. And between us, I've even taken a shine to some of the brass finishes, too.

It's early days. We've just begun the door knob and light fixture hunt. I expect mixed metals is in our future. And I expect no one but us will notice.

PS: Yes, a new blog design. My BIL's 'feedback' notwithstanding, I wasn't really into the previous design. Maybe I need a mixed metals template.


  1. Check out "first watch door knob" They make glass knobs that are similar and at about 1/10 the cost. Might be something to consider?

    Maybe put pricey knobs on the main doors then budget on the secondaries? Doubt anyone would notice.

    I've seen the brass, chrome, and satin but apparently there is even vintage bronze. You can find some at the local big box stores but selection is hit and miss.

  2. Thanks for the tip Mary! There are so many sites (not to mention options) to consider. While technically down the road I know swapping out a door knob is one of those easy things we could do, I doubt it's one of those things we would do. Pressure to get it right the first time. :)
