Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fear of choosing the wrong thing

OMG we cannot pick a tub. What is wrong with us?

We're decisive people, and yet we have procrastinated about choosing a tub. I'm reminded about that Sex & the City episode where Miranda has to choose a crib, and she says (wisely): "Evidently, I'm to go to Crib World, because it's a whole world of cribs. I guess Crib City wasn't big enough. Why isn't there a store called ''This is The Crib For You''? And they just have one great crib. They deliver it and assemble it, and help raise the child."

That's basically how I feel about this tub.

So we were supposed to choose the tub a couple of weeks ago. Our builder gently reminded us we needed to make that decision, then just plain reminded us, then finally told us it was the number one decision we need to make. We've looked at probably 300 tubs (!). Oval tubs and square tubs, short tubs and long tubs. Clawfoot. Air bath. And naturally, I've pinned.

For a couple of decisive people, we're dragging our feet on this choice. Most of the options are online (unless y'all have seen a This is the Freestanding Tub For You store? anyone?). There are forums galore extolling the virtures of or ranting about nearly every kind of tub.

I think, though, it comes down to this: we're afraid of choosing the wrong one. One that's too short, or too narrow. Or one that looks odd in our new bathroom. Or that's uncomfortable. Or that we paid too much for. Or that's just plain ugly. Because whatever tub we do buy? It's here to stay.

But we'll decide on one this week. For sure. Just as soon as our builder confirms if we have to have a center drain or if it can be at the end. And we lay out the measurements so we see how much space we're talking about. Totally going to choose one.

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