Thursday, February 16, 2012

All about bathrooms

After scouring site after site after site and store after store after store for possible bath vanities, guess what we up and did? Got some custom cabinet quotes.

We had a clear idea about what we wanted; style, shape, functionality and color. And we found lots of options online, to be sure. I suggested we get a custom quote for our master bath just to see what we could get.

So we met with two guys who listened to our ideas, suggested some approaches, and measured our spaces. And since it's all free at this point, we asked them to quote all three baths and the laundry room. We told ourselves repeatedly there was no way we were going custom on everything - too expensive. Then we got the bid.

Holy $#@(! We told ourselves we weren't going custom on anything - too expensive!

Out came the laptops and the search engines roared into action. We revisited vanities we'd bookmarked. What about this one? Too dark. What about this one? Doesn't have drawers. What about this one? Too traditional. What about this one? Meh. So we wandered back over to the custom quote and gave it another look-see. Sigh. We liked these best of all. Curse our excellent taste combined with their fine craftsmanship!

After much debate, though, and with my sweet-talking Mister's mad price negotiation skills (seriously: uh-mazing), we got ourselves some custom cabinets for all the bathrooms and the laundry room.

Here's a glimpse into what else we've been up to:
  • Looking for a freestanding tub. This weekend we have to travel to a showroom in a distant land known as 'outside the perimeter'. I refuse to buy a tub I haven't laid in. So. Many. Tubs. to choose from. Check out my Pinterest board to see some we like.
  • Signing off on the wiring for lighting and location of all the switches and outlets. We did this at the blueprint stage; walking through helped us visualize it. Hopefully we didn't screw any of this up, because I don't want to spend the rest of my life cursing my inability to correctly guess which wall I was most likely to want to have a wall switch on.
  • Choosing our paint color. The builder is buying it this week!
  • Searching for light fixtures. I think there are 14 left to choose. Lots of ideas pinned here and here
Oh, and I think I've chosen our bathroom sinks. Under budget I might add. They're dreamy.

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