Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Porch update

Did I tell you we decided on a poured concrete porch? No? Well, we did.

Why, you may ask, when you think of all the beautiful porch floor possibilities did you go and choose concrete of all things? Well, I'll tell you: it is the least expensive; it's easily maintained; it's not slippery; it's easy to update in the future (meaning, you can install anything over it); and, after checking around on some concrete design sites, we decided we rather liked it.

They poured it yesterday, and I now present to you our still-wet, as-yet-to-be-stained, concrete porch floor:

See that design? I sketched it based on a driveway design I saw. The mason was able to take my sketch and translate it to the concrete. He did an excellent job. After I took these photos they broom finished them, which is just like it sounds: they ran a broom over them. When the forms come off, they'll touch up the edges. You know what? We love it. We'll love it even more (we hope) when it's stained.

And let's see...what else. The new A/C is in, and mechanicals are due for inspection next week. They've started installing the cedar shingles on the gable ends and let me tell you they are GORGEOUS! Can't wait to show you pictures of them. The wiring is finished. This morning I asked Chris if we remembered to get outlets installed in our closets, and he assured me we did. The siding is all up, and the decorative brackets around the roof line are being installed. We (and by 'we' I mean the construction crew) may start sheetrocking in about two weeks. And our hunt for a freestanding tub luck yet.

More pictures will be posted in the next few days!

1 comment:

  1. I rather like it too. Are you going to stain it a color? Be sure to post a photo once it's done.
