Sunday, March 11, 2012

What a difference some walls make

Sheetrock is in! The rooms are actually room-like now. The gals aren't quite as impressed; they can no longer see the entire house from any spot on the second floor.

And with sheetrock comes dust. Imagine taking hundreds of bags of flour into your house, hanging them as pinatas, and then busting them all open with a stick. Scatter random pieces of wood and sheetrock (all sizes!) around, string some power cords selectively in areas you actually need to traverse, and for background music, find an audio clip of a dental drill and put it on loop. This is what it was like while the sheetrock was being installed.

This week they'll mud it and sand it and do whatever else it is they need to do to get the walls ready. We're supposed to pick paint colors soon (hooray!), and tile will go in soon (again, hooray!). Oh, and guess what? We got ourselves a tuuuuuuub. It should be here in two weeks, and I'll post pictures of it when it arrive!

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