Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Caution: Wet Floors

Came home tonight to this:

So of course I wanted to see what the floors looked like. I peered through the windows and it was darker floors as far as the eye could see. Through heroic efforts*, I managed to get the best picture one could possibly get at 7pm on a rainy night from outside the house looking through a grimy window into the inside of a house with no electricity while trying to hold my finger over the miniscule but powerful flash since everyone knows you'd just get a picture of glass glare if you don't (even if it takes you six tries to realize you can't outsmart the glass glare without covering the case you were thinking you could).Translation: don't judge the picture.



*Note to selves: we could maybe use some new deck stairs. If there's a better sign than thinking, 'I wonder if the mister would think to come looking for me back here'' goes through your head as you climb the rickety steps, I don't know what that sign would be.

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