Thursday, April 26, 2012

Checking in

Painting still continues. Even though it's just the trimwork and the doors, it's a LOT of trimwork and doors. Stuff's lookin' good! We've gotten the first gentle nudge to choose the rest of our lights. All that's left are the dining room and our bathroom lights. We can't choose the bathroom lights until we find the mirrors. We aren't finalizing the mirrors until the cabinets go in. You see where this is going.

We're all getting antsy to get back into our house. While it's been wonderful living right next door to the renovation, and the house we're in has been great for our needs, it's just not home. Memorial Day weekend would be a nice target move-back-in date, and a great seventh anniversary present for the mister and me. Believe it or not, I've already begun thinking about where we'll put the Christmas tree up this year. Getting excited!

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