Sunday, June 10, 2012

Box by box, life gets a little more settled

The only boxes and bins left are the ones with all the little stuff in them. Of course. So they take about an hour each to unpack. We definitely slowed down quite a bit today. The kitchen is mostly unpacked. Same goes for the bedrooms. Closets are approaching organized. We have one billion pictures of ourselves, and I'm not quite sure where they all used to go.

Even though everything is a mess, and I'm not sure where things currently are placed is where they'll stay, I've decided to share pictures.

Bay's room. It actually was clean this morning.

Zoe's room. She hasn't seen it yet!

Den.You can see lots of things that will eventually reside elsewhere.

For some reason I can't add a caption to the last photo. That's the front room. The no-TV room. The haven. We need a rug, and that table you can just see crowding the left corner is going to be a game table. I will probably move it 10 times before finding a spot I like.
Our first house guests arrive (gulp) tomorrow. Stay tuned for a post I wrote in my head last night entitled, 'Things the mister doesn't want to hear right after we move in.'

PS- if the apocalypse comes, you'll want to find me if you're in need of batteries or brown rice. We may be able to keep a small village going based on current supplies.

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