Friday, June 15, 2012

We shall call this room the library

I've always wanted a library. A room with books everywhere, and comfortable seating, and places to spread things upon (books, puzzles, newspapers, mugs of teas and plates of goodies). A room with inviting furnishings, cozy. No TV. I'm working on ours.

It's a start. It's the first layer, if you will. We need more soft things, and additional table or floor lighting. A throw or two. A puzzle started on that back table perhaps. Photographs on the wall. More books!

With the exception of the storm print, everything in this room is not new. It's lived in, and therefore not is it okay if I put this here? in its demeanor. I think I'd like a new rug, but maybe a new-to-me old rug? One with blues and greens and grays, that's soft underfoot and not Pottery Barn circa 2012. But maybe not. Maybe this doesn't-exactly-match one helps with the intimate appeal of a library. We'll live with it for a bit, and add things over time. And read. Lots and lots.

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