Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Everything in its place (yeah right)

Pictures are coming soon, I promise. We had house guests two days after we moved in, and suspended all but the most necessary unpacking (glasses? yes, we have glasses...somewhere). And it's summer, you know. Which means longer evenings out on the porch, or in the pool. We actually didn't even eat dinner last night until 8pm! Ah, summer...

Still, we have been able to make a few strides in Operation Everything in its Place. Including:
  • Finding a home in our home for the fish tank. It used to be on our main level, perched on an old dresser (we no longer have). It's now in our upstairs hallway. I think they like it.
  • Purchasing a new washer/dryer for our laundry room. It was just delivered yesterday. It's the least fancy (I think) of the fancy HE machines, top-loader, and it looks great. We'll see how it works.
  • Hanging one picture. My birthday present is now hanging on the wall, and so far, it's the only thing hanging. We are not rushing the wall decor decisions.
  • Deciding to let the landscaping go for a bit. We're hitting high temps now (hey look: here comes 100 degrees already!). We are going to have someone come out and advise us, but it's not on the top of the list. Trust me, it feels just as good deciding not to do something as it does to do something at this point!
So, things are coming along. This weekend the house should be pretty much all together, and I'll start posting more pictures. After an ice-cold glass of something or other on the front porch.

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