Monday, June 4, 2012

When inspectors don't show

The HVAC inspector was supposed to come by today, but didn't. Our builder turned the A/C on in the house in anticipation of his arrival, and by our reckoning, things appear to be in order (read: it was cool). Still, apparently the city won't take our word for it, so hopefully the inspector shows up tomorrow to sign the certificate. Then we can get the CO inspection.

Wednesday is our final walk-through, and Friday the cleaners come to prepare the house for us to move in. We're proceeding as if the inspections will all clear this week, and I am already thinking about sleeping back in our house by the end of this weekend.

In other news, when lil bit and I got home, we trotted over to see how this would look in her and her sister's bathrooms. She was a good sport, tolerating my deliberations about the best place to mount them (though not nearly as impressed as I might've hoped with my 'anyone can do a towel bar' monologue).

Even though things are nearly done and there isn't much day-to-day change, we still check the house out every day (bonus of living right next door). When the mister got home tonight, the conversation went something like this:

Mister: 'Let's go see the house.'
Lil bit: 'Dad, we already went. They haven't done anything new.'
Mister: 'Well, I still want to go see it. Come with me.'
Lil bit: 'Oh wait! Actually, there is something new. Mom got some hookers.'

Perhaps our builder should mention that to the might ensure they show up. :)

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