Thursday, June 7, 2012

T-minus 36 hours

Sure, we'll be ready when the movers come on Saturday morning.

We've done some prep over at the house. In the basement we had all the stuff originally in the attic. So, back up it went. I'm proud of us, as we pared it down only to seasonal stuff (e.g., Christmas decor, etc.) and one bed. At least that's what they tell me; I'm certainly not going up there to check on it.

And though you'd be hard-pressed to tell, we've actually started moving a few things in already. Mostly clothes, kitchen items, some books, etc. We're a bit anxious! Tomorrow night we'll need to finalize furniture placement in each room. Success will be having the furniture on the right floor. So long as we (read: the mister and his friends) don't have to move anything up or down ourselves after the movers leave, it's all good. Wish us luck!

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